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The photo is of Agustinus Kurnia Luon 20/08/00 My son! Become a Foster Parent Today! tells us it is:
1)In the Bible, the food miraculously provided for the Israelites in the wilderness during their flight from Egypt.
2)Spiritual nourishment of divine origin.
3)Something of value that a person receives unexpectedly: viewed the bonus as manna from heaven.
As much as the human body needs feeding,we must also remember to feed our souls.To feed one's soul you need to look to other hungers that need feeding,other causes that need nourishment,causes that need bonuses-from YOU!God wants us to be generous,as it says in the Bible:"He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver". Corinthians 9:6,7

The reason for this page s a little different then most blogs.Through out my life it seems like I have been plagued with one misfortune or one disaster after another.I have experienced everything from losing a home and all belongings to fire to losing a son to SIDS,one wife to a neurological condition,another wife to a drug overdose,not to mention along string of friends who gave in to temptation once to often.If you know someone with a problem please check out Addiction Intervention Resources

Every time there as been a setback in my life there have been people willing to help,or people that are working hard to help prevent some of those setbacks. They deserve a thank you,and in most cases they need your MONEY!or time,that can be even more helpful in some circumstances. I am going to provide you with links to safe and secure donation sites.

My number one charity is for research into the causes and hopefully the prevention of SIDS-I pick SIDS,or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is simple.I lost my one and only son,David John Forbes,at the oh so young age of twelve weeks to that dreaded condition.I am asking you to please help,even a dollar,remember,you can make a difference.Safe secure (guaranteed) donations can be made here= Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Cancer as been a serious concern for me.I am one of the lucky ones,it was only because of research that my cancers were beaten.= Donations to the National Cancer Institute

Alzheimer's is responsible for shortening my Mothers life and robbing us of her wit and charm for years.A litttle girl never got to hear her Gramma's stories,never got the wisdom that was Mom.Please give to the Alzheimer's Foundation of America

Heart disease has been a concern of mine as well as my father had two "episodes"and wore a pacemaker the last twenty years of his long life If you are Searching for Information about "heart disease"? or wish to donate to the American Heart Association this is the place to do it.

Drug Addiction as touched my life in ways far removed from my own addiction.It seems like I hear every few months that another one of my circle is gone.Even though I have been clean for close to eighteen months and have not seen many of my old friends,friends they remain,and when I hear another has died a part of me dies with them.There is hope.Please support your local initiatives,or donate to national centers like Hazelden

Adoption is another issue that I have personal experience with,being adopted myself,help prevent abortions!.
Affordable Parenting Options Surrogacy Agency
Since I will never again know the joys of fatherhood,I have recently sponsored a child through Christian Child Sponsorship,where their trade mark is COMPASSION please consider sponsoring a child,if I can spend thirty two dollars a month,so can you!

Fire destroyed our home once,we were left with just the clothes on our backs.It was the dead of winter,insurance money was months away.Some kind neighbour made a call,and the next thing we knew we had winter clothing,bedding,a grocery hamper and best of all we were given hope,all from the Red Cross .Please give generously.For safe secure donations

I can not of course list all the charities that are worthy,I am only doing the ones that have had an effect on my life.For others you can always go here:The Best Directory For Donation The largest Donation Directory on the web


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